Modern Medicine "Emporium"
WesWear, Mugs, Music and Books and even NFT's....
By Musician, Author and Teacher Wes Hamil
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NOTE- Wheel designs are based
upon teaching Wes received and reflect Mayan influence as well as those of the 8 Direction Wheel of being a Human. They are not affiliated with any specific tribal customs.
Books- eBook,Print, Audio
Modern Medicine
Modern Medicine is the followup book to White Man Red Road. Written at the request of the readers of the first book, in this new book Wes conveys in simple and straightforward ways how to utilize many of the teachings from White Man Red Road. e book is written in three easy to digest sections that guide the reader on techniques and concepts that can enable them to better govern their own lives and find new sense of balance and purpose.
White Man Red Road
These are the various versions of White Man Red Road. The iTunes store features a text only version and an enhanced multi- media version that includes all the music and lyrics from the soundtrack CD, plus video clips of Wes being interviewed about the book. There are Kindle and Nook versions as well. You can also order a paper version- a "hold in your hands and turn the page" version through Barnes and Noble by clicking the button below. Thanks so much!
CD Length Audio Releases